Category Archives: reblogs

Recycling Babies (response to Image Writing Prompt #212)

I enjoyed this response to Image Writing Prompt #212 it took a very interesting turn.

Let Me Tell You the Story of...

Dragonition writing prompt.jpg

An old Chevor Model android, Verily43, hobbled with a cane through the factory.  It opened its olfactory nozzles and drew in an air sample, analyzing it with an internal mass spectrometer.  “It smells amazing in here already.”

“First batch is nearly done.  You’re noticing the burning and release of volatile organic compounds that remind us all of the ‘new android smell.'” The human, a bit of a grin on her face, pointed to the assembly line and one of the new androids coming off.  “This facility is unlike any other assembly center – and you can be an important part, Verily43.”

Verily43 moved its hip actuators, noticing the inefficiencies and signs of wear in the bearings.  Its hands were stiff.  Worse, no parts currently available would match its flagging pieces, and factory support had ended for the Chevor Models.  The joints would continue to degrade until they were unusable or…

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The Beggar’s Coins response to Image Writing Prompt #179

I love the way you created such a good sense of place in such a short piece. In response to Image Writing Prompt #179

Let Me Tell You the Story of...

On Sundays, I respond to a writing prompt that I enjoy.  This week, I chose the dragonition image prompt #179.  The image creeped me out (contained an antique doll), so I’m not including it this time, but the prompt words included in the story are bolded.  Because I read Longtails and reviewed it earlier, I wrote this from the perspective of human-like mice.  It may or may not be a fanfiction…

“Alms for the poor?”

I jumped when the beggar, ears ragged and fur matted with the filth of the city streets, tugged on my cloak.  Without thinking about it, my hand reached for the short-sword on my hilt, but I let the blade rest in its leather scabbard.  “I don’t carry coin I don’t intend to use for myself,” I said.  “The Church of Screel will gladly give you sup, if you’d find your way there.”


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The Raven Man response to Writing Prompt #541

I like the twist in this story in response to writing prompt #541.


Writing Prompt #541

When the rack of bells jingled behind him, signaling that someone had entered the shop, Zeke didn’t look around. Business usually picked up on Friday afternoons as people realized the random parts they needed for their home improvement attempts. A steady stream of people had been flowing through the shop since about lunchtime. That was four hours ago now, and the hum of conversation and the occasional dissatisfied customer had faded to the background of Zeke’s consciousness. With every flick of his knife against the wood, a sliver of his problems seemed to fall away. By now, with the head of the raven steadily forming under his blade, he wasn’t worrying. When the shop fell silent, and when that silence cracked with his mother’s yelp of horror, he took him a moment or two to return to the present.

“I understand that you sell many things here…

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The Last and Most Special Snowflake (response to Writing Prompt #151)

A response to Image Writing Prompt #151. I like the light hearted tone of the dialogue that contrasts with the underlying darker environmental theme.

Let Me Tell You the Story of...

This week, I chose the prompt presented on Dragonition.  The prompt was a photo with a set of dialogue, and in this case I put the prompt in bold.  Because the prompt was pure dialogue, I chose to continue by writing only in dialogue.  I must also admit that the darkness in Carrie Ann Golden’s Extinction Event probably helped me set the tone here.  Thanks to all on WordPress who serve as inspiration to me!

‘You said there would be snow.’Photo prompt 04212018

‘There’s a bit.’

‘What, that tiny pile?’

‘I didn’t say how much.’

‘I can’t do anything with that.’

‘Add some sugar and make a snowcone.’


‘Did you come over here just to complain?  This is the last snow you’ll ever see, and you’re just going to grumble about it?’

‘Other people have snow machines.’

‘The weather’s never going to get this cold again.  Look, my snow’s…

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The Piano

Another short sad story. I like how it circles back to the idea of the piano it gives it a complete feeling. The writing is simple and polished making it easy and enjoyable to read.

Bedoor Bluemoon


via Image Writing Prompt #43

“You never play anymore, you just sit there,” I told my dad one afternoon as the light fell on the black and white keys and his unwavering hands.  He seemed lost in thought as always and kept his eyes fixed on his fingers.  I recalled how the music notes would fill our home from early morning before we were ready to go to school.  It was the sound of the keys and the smell of the coffee that made our home what it was.

And now, the sound ceased to exist.

It was three months ago when my mother passed away so suddenly.  It was a calm night in March when I heard her being rushed down the stairs with my dad.  I came out of my room with my headphones on my shoulders not knowing what was going on.  She had on her light…

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The Girl: Response to Dragonition Writing Prompt #389

An interesting story

Miss Marie’s Scribbles

He was willing to stay a couple of nights but no longer than that. He could not bear to go on in this manner more than a short amount of time. He could not bear to put the girl, or his wife, through that kind of pain.

She looked so peaceful as she slept. Her youth was written all over her face, the lines around her mouth smooth and shallow, unmarked by heavy stress. All that mouth had seen was laughter and flirty smiles and sweet, gentle kisses.

She rolls over under his arm, her hair tickling his chin. Her hair screams youth as well. A vibrant red, not yet overrun by stubborn grays, not yet dulled by pain and struggle. It smells sweet and spicy, her perfume – probably something from Victoria’s Secret – colliding with the cologne his wife had picked out for him years ago to make…

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Eyes (in response to Writing Prompt #381)

It is hard to represent the image of our imagination.

Bedoor Bluemoon

via Writing Prompt #381


Crumpled paper covers every flat surface of his room, he can’t get the eyes right.  He is usually very good at sketching portraits but the eyes were haunting him.  It all started one day in his dream.  He dreamed he was sitting next to the lake hand in hand with a lady dressed in a light blue dress.  She had her head covered by an over-sized hat and her delicate fingers wrapped in pink lace gloves.  Her brown hair did not move.  It was propped and primped into soft waves that cascaded around her face and framed her small features.  She was looking down at her hands and her long thick lashes set themselves ever so gently on her cheekbones.

He wondered who the lady may be but didn’t know how ask.  He was afraid to speak lest the calmness be disturbed by his voice.  He…

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The Gift (in response to Image Writing Prompt #37)

Bedoor Bluemoon

iwp37Image Writing Prompt #37

Jacqueline stood next to the shop waiting for her best friend, Danielle, to show up.  It was a sunny Saturday morning in the small village of Piana where trade was plenty and spirits were high.  Danielle skipped down the road and smiled at Jacqueline who held up the bag of coins they managed to save from the beginning of the year.  It was finally time to buy the gift.

Both girls entered the shop reluctantly:  Jacqueline with her high blond ponytail and Danielle’s short black hair were out of place in the high class French accessories shop but they didn’t seem to realize.

  • There are too many to choose from, aren’t there?
  • I know

They walked past a red velvet hat that caught Jacqueline’s eye.

  • how about this one?
  • I don’t think my mom likes the color red.  What about your mom?
  • She prefers dark colors.

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The Freezing Lake (Response to Writing Prompt #350)

I love the ambiguity of the monster although it seems less a monster and more a wise being.

Bedoor Bluemoon

Source: Writing Prompt #350

She floated above the freezing lake waiting for the monster to reveal itself.  The cold air fluttered around her like pigeons.  She sighed, breathing warmth into her cold hands.  A little ripple barely noticed was all that she needed to smile.  He’s come, she thought to herself.

She turned to her right just as the monster’s head gently surfaced.  His blue skin was sleek with water dripping down, his green eyes glittering with the reflection of the mountains around.  Sarah, is it time?  It said in husky voice.

  • yes, my dear.  It is finally time
  • And are you certain that you’ve made the right decision?  Is this the right way forward?
  • Yes, I am certain.  I have thought of this long and hard.  I cannot bear to think what could happen lest I stay.

No answer, the sound of silence was calming.  She looked at the…

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You Will Pay (Response to Writing Prompt #348)

Great story. I like the details both of the moment and the flashes of the past.

Bedoor Bluemoon

Source: Writing Prompt #348


She somehow finds the last of her energy and launches herself up and at him with the knife. She could taste the familiar metallic tang in her mouth and knew that her lip was bleeding. It barely healed before this episode. It was a daily ritual for him as he enters the house and immediately loses his mind. It wasn’t anything important or drastic this time. It was that his dinner was a bit cold.

The reason was never really important or drastic. The children are still awake. The lights in the kitchen were on. Her friend called during dinnertime. All ridiculous reasons.

But this time, when she felt her head bang on the table again, it was as if something or someone possessed her. She could feel her eyes swelling and her lip burst open but she didn’t cry again. This time was different. She…

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Emptiness (Response to Writing Prompt #308)

Well written response to capture his feeling.

Bedoor Bluemoon

Source: Writing Prompt #308


It was just an urge that he’d acted on, he’d punched the window and now he was standing in a pool of shards.  He was looking for any other feeling besides the feeling of emptiness that has consumed him for  years now.  This was not a good day for him; he had better days when he felt like he had some control over his life.  But today was different, today was just black.

He woke up this morning with emptiness around him.  The feeling of grief consuming him even though he didn’t lose any loved one.  The pit of his stomach seemed so heavy, his heart felt burdened, and his breathing stressed.  All these feelings even though he had a good night sleep.  He felt afraid, no, he felt very afraid to get out of bed.  He felt the ground was filled with demons, red hot…

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The Lost Boy (response to Writing Prompt #304)

This is such a lovely story in response to my prompt, I’m glad you gave it a happy ending.

Bedoor Bluemoon

(writing prompt #304.

Source: Writing Prompt #304

He watched through the window as his mother tucked his half-sister in bed and kiss his step father goodnight, then he turned and vanished into the night. It was a daily ritual for Tom since he ran away from his father’s house six months ago. His father was an alcoholic who, in his opinion, probably didn’t even realize he wasn’t around. He was living bad days and worse nights when his father would come back from the bar and wake Tom up from his sleep just to start beating him. One night, Tom decided it was enough, he was going to go live with his mother instead.

His mother always wanted him in her life. She never gave him up, on the contrary she fought hard to gain custody of Tom but it was all because Tom’s dad knew how to best beat…

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“Burning The Evidence” (Image Writing Prompt #27 — Dragonition) (Response)

This is such a great response, a very amusing read.

Scott Blackstone

“We should burn the evidence” Eretemis offered, hanging the offending object over the fire to emphasize his point.  Perfectly serious, he tried to seek out an answer in Valen’s face, the question in his eyes rather than his words.

“The evidence?” Valen snorted, rolling his eyes and swiftly freeing the whiskey bottle from Eerie’s grasp. “You can burn as many bottle as you want, and the evidence will still be inescapable.”  Though his slur wasn’t nearly a match for his friend’s, Valen’s voice carried all the signs of a man well into his cups. He blamed 18+ years of being sober for that.

“I’ll have you know, I’m not at all drunk.” Eerie’s attempt at enunciation came across as a drunk father trying to teach his son to read, only cementing Valen’s opinion. He didn’t seem to realize this, however, and tipped a new bottle back to his lips, frowning…

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The Bridge (response to Writing Prompt #240)

Here is the link. Yes it was ironic and perhaps a fitting end.

Bedoor Bluemoon

Writing prompt 240

He sat on the rail of the bridge watching the people cross, waiting for his next victim.

He didn’t know that he was being watched, followed from the second he stepped out of his house. He didn’t realize that there is someone who wanted to prove his methods were not up to par, not meticulous enough. He didn’t know that during his last attack, the single slip up was the reason he was now hunted.

Once a hunter, now hunted.

Hunted because he let the girl scratch his face and the police found the evidence of his DNA underneath her fingernails.

And now, he was no longer part of  the group. No longer welcomed.

Watching, he was being watched. Planning, his death was being planned, schemed.
The next day, newspapers read “the Bridge Serial Killer was Found Dead Beneath the Bridge.”
How ironic.

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Tell Me All About You…

I really like these questions posted on inkbiotic here is the link to Tell Me About You…

If you are a blogger, how would you describe what you write about? Are there specific themes you stick to or a style you use? (feel free to add a link)
– I am currently posting daily writing prompts. I also write short stories and poems. I don’t stick to any particular theme or genre but I do like to incorporate a little magic in most things. I used to post more random stuff but I’ve decided to narrow the focus of my blog just a smidge.

Do you write driven by inspiration or do you struggle to find things to say?
– Sometimes I am just inspired to write and other times I have to force myself to write. Sometimes I just feel like writing and have no idea what I am going to write about until I pick up the pen but the writing just flows out. Other times I have this really great idea of what to write about but when I start writing it just wont flow.

Which kinds of posts do you most like writing? Do other people like reading them?
– I like writing stories best and people seem to like them.

What wouldn’t you ever write about? Why?
– I wouldn’t ever write about something I found boring unless I had good reason too.

What’s your favourite post that you’ve written? (again, add a link if you like) What did you like about it? Did other people ‘get’ it?
– I think my favourite story I have posted so far is The Lovers it is a very short story. I liked the fact that it had more than one layer to it and I did this deliberatly which I don’t often think about. People still enjoyed it as a story but I know there is a metaphorical story hidden between the lines. I don’t know if anyone picked up that it was about consent. Maybe I should change the title but I didn’t want to make it obvious.

What’s your favourite post that someone else has written? What about it caught your attention?
– I have lots of favourites but here is one that I could find again. It is one of my favourite posts is Drop & Roll – Bend & Rub posted on life with luna cat which is a blog written mostly from the perspective of luna the cat. It is very entertaining to read.

Do you keep a blog because you want it to lead somewhere? Or do you just like writing?
– I keep a blog because I like writing and if it does lead somewhere that would be great and I kind of hope it might but mostly I keep it because I enjoy it.

What sort of blogs do you most like to read? Personal? Stories? Factual? Pictures?
– I like to read a variety but I especially like poetry, stories (any stories) and pictures always grab my eye.

What kind of posts put you off reading? Is there anything else about a blog that puts you off (eg fonts, popups)?
– I don’t like giffs or lots of movement of the page it makes my eyes hurt when I’m trying to read, especially if there is more than one.
– If the post doesn’t have a title I probably won’t click on it, just put ‘untitles’ it is easier to access.
– I struggle to read a post if the colour of text and the background colour are to similar for example both dark or both light, this is only okay if there isn’t much to read.
– A huge chunk of italics or swirly font can be off putting. Fancy fonts are great in small doses though.

When do you write and read blogs? From work? On the toilet? Inside a volcano?
– I usually read and write blog posts in bed. I used to do it in my free time at uni.



Hello fellow Blogsters,

Over the past year, I’ve rattled on quite enough about me, now I want to know about you. Sometimes blogging can feel like I’m throwing posts out to the world, with no real clue what I’m doing. It makes me wonder how other people go about blogging and what it means to them. It doesn’t matter if you are a regular reader or are just in the mood to chat, I want to know about YOU. Please answer in the comments below, or if you feel particularly inspired, you can write on your own blog and put a link in the comments.

Questions, questions, questions…

If you are a blogger, how would you describe what you write about? Are there specific themes you stick to or a style you use? (feel free to add a link)

Do you write driven by inspiration or do you struggle to…

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The Lovers (a story fragment). by Christine Lucas

Christine Lucas wrote a very intriguing expanstion of my story fragment the lovers you should check out her blog here Christine Lucas.

Christine Lucas

the-lovers-art-nouveau-tarotThe wind ruffled his hair. She liked how it sent his fringe tumbling over his eyes. This would be the last time she saw him looking like this, strong, handsome, his skin glowing with the last rays of a dramatic sunset. As if sensing her gaze he turned to face her. Sadness tinged his eyes. ‘Are you having doubts?’

‘No,’ she shook her head. ‘Though it is a long way down and the river fast flowing.’

‘It is, but we are together. That’s all that matters.’ He reached for her hand. Their shoulders touched as they sat on the railing of a bridge. They looked down at the raging river below them. The breeze smelled sweetly of honeysuckle. ‘Scared?’

‘A little,’ she tried to look nonchalant, swinging her bare legs over the gorge.

‘We don’t have to jump you know.’

‘But you’ll think I’m a coward.’

‘No I won’t,’ he…

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Favourite name generating site

Fantasy Name Generators

I thought I’d share my favourite name generating site. Fantasy name generatore is super helpful when I can’t decide on a name. I means I don’t sit there thinking what should I name my charcter and can just get right into writing about them. It’s not for everyone but I find it super useful. The URL is If you struggle to come up with names you should definitly check it out.

To Market

Here is a responnse to one of my prompts by nombredelapluma. Please go check out their blog.


He had never been good at striking a bargain
His mother should have known
Better than to send him to market
Never know what you’re going to get

Worried, he told himself these things,
Not wanting to be a disappointment
He had coins in his bag she said should be enough
But no candy or fluff

He wasn’t smart, he told himself, a lie
But he was strong, willing to learn and try

At the markets’ edge he met a man
Who said, catch the pig, and if you can,
He’s yours to keep, but if you fail
I get your money and the pig, tip to tail

Back at home he talked to animals
So he whispered to the pig about future meals
And shook the strangers’ hand
Who oiled the pig with a grease can

The man was surprised to watch the pig
Jump into the boy’s arms…

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Writing Prompt # 19

Here is a responnse to one of my prompts by nombredelapluma. Please go check out their blog.

nombredelapluma gave a prompt and I am responding to it with this.  I suppose it’s been done before, but here’s my take on the story:

Writing Prompt # 19   It wasn’t her fault her brother was a klutz and pulled her down the hill with him when he fell.

Jack. Jill. He was an idiot, a showboat, playing up there on the edge, and she grabbed his hand to steady him when he went off balance and started to fall. He pulled her over and she immediately went to her tumbling mode, recovering quick. He continued to fall, believing this was the end. He had just purchased, and begun drinking, his bottle from the soft purple cloth sack. She practically dove after her idiot brother, to slow his descent, but even with her efforts, the bottle was shattered. At least Jack didn’t die. This was just the latest of his…

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Adding a link the right way

This post was super helpful and easy to understand. I now, know how to create links, so I can fix some of my other posts so the links all work properly. Thank you 🙂

learning web development

Today I want to mention something which might be of help if you never thought of it or you just did not care much. We often need to link our previous posts or sometimes an external link to acknowledge source or any other case. For a beginner you need to know first how to add a link into your post then do it the right way

Task: Adding a link

  • Highlight/select the text you want to put a link
  • In your toolbar click on a chain like icon to insert a link
  • link2
  • Paste or write the url for the page you want to link
  • If it is your previous post click Or link to existing content and choose from the list
  • Tick the box Open link in a new window/tab 
  • The previous point is important to make sure all links are opened in a new tab or window which helps to…

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