Category Archives: awards

The Hardest Game of ‘Would you Rather’ – Book Tag

I got the idea for this post off Lizzy here is her post and you should check out her blog here.

1) Would you  rather… Drop your favourite book into the toilet OR watch it fall into a wood chipper?

Toilet I suppose since it could survive. However it is unlikely because it is pretty small.

 2) Would you rather… read only 1 book a year but remember everything OR read 100 books a year but remember nothing?

Probably one although this is super tough. If I don’t remember anything there really isn’t much point.

3) Would you rather… Read only the first page of a book OR read only the last page of a book?

First pages are often the best.

4) Would you rather get locked in a library OR get locked in a bookstore?

The library because it is one of my favourite places to go.5) Would you rather… Drop your book in a lake OR accidentally set it on fire?

If I set it on fire I could put it out before any real damage was done.

6) Would you rather… Read a book with a cliffhanger ending OR read a book with a heartbreaking ending?

I hate both but a cliff hanger as long as there was another book to come.

 7) Would you rather… Have the book’s ending spoiled OR never know what happens

The books ending spoiled. I don’t like spoilers but I hate not knowing even more.

 8) Would you rather… read only one genre forever OR never repeat the same genre after reading it once?

The same genre otherwise I would run out of books very fast unless they came up with more genres.9) Would you rather… Read a book where the main character is killed off OR read a book where the love interest is killed off?

Kill off the love interest preferably but killing the main character could be interesting.

10) Would you rather… Read a book that’s missing the middle chapter OR read a book that’s missing the first and last chapters?

Middle but I hate reading incomplete books.

11) Would you rather… love a book everyone hates OR hate a book everyone loves

Love a book everyone hates. Less people will have read it so less people will spoil it for you.

12) Would you rather… loan a book to a friend who’s known to ruin books OR drop a book in a pit of snakes?

Drop it in a pit of snakes they are not guaranteed to destroy it.

13) Would you rather…. Be stuck on a deserted island without a book OR be stuck in a library full of books in a language you can’t read

Library I could always learn the language.

14) Would you rather… Bring only 1 book on a 12 hour flight OR bring an e-reader with only 10% left on a 4 hour flight?

One book. I could always start over if I finish it.

15) Would you rather… Find out your best friend hates your favourite book OR share a favourite book with your worst enemy?

Well my best friend doesn’t like my favourite book and that’s fine.

I tag anyone who feels like doing this tag. However don’t link back to me link back to the lovely lady who started it.

The Real Neat Blog Award #2

I was recently nominated for the Real Neat Blog Award by Holes in my socks check out their awesome blog Holes in my socks. Thank you. I have been nominated for this one before but I don’t see why I can’t do it again. It is a good way to make connections with other bloggers. So here goes.

The Rules:

Put the award logo on your blog.

Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

Thank the person who nominated you, linking to their blog.

Nominate some bloggers you like linking to their blog.

Let them know you nominated them.

Holes in my socks‘s Questions:

  1. Stranded on an island, name the three things you would bring. Water, Food and a Knife.
  2. You’re favorite movie of all time…. Right now probably ‘Mirror Mirror’
  3. The one thing that makes you the happiest… I love catching up with my friends.
  4. The one song on your playlist…ipod…laptop…computer…that you are embarrassed to have but secretly love.. If I love it I see no reason to be embarrassed about it.
  5. Why you decided to become a blogger… I decided to become a blogger because I wanted to motivate myself to write everyday, because I wanted to practice writing personal things and because I wanted to share some of my writing.
  6. If you could live the life of someone famous for a day…who would it be? I wouldn’t want to be someone famous I think it would be scary but if I had to decide. The Priminister of Australia so I could change some policies.
  7. Name one thing on your “bucket” list…. Writing a book and finishing it.

My Questions:

1. What is the weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

2. What is a word that really annoys you?

3. What is your favourite flavour of ice-cream?

4. If you could be the opposite sex for a day would you be curious enough to do it?

5. Have you ever read a book more than twice, if so which book?

6. Do you have any pets, if so how many?

7. If you could visit one place in the world where would it be?

My Nominations:

1. yadadarcyyada

2. In Noir Velvet

3. Del Nolan

4. A Writers Path

5. You Make Me Feel Inspired

The Premio Dardos Award

I was recently nominated for The Premio Dardos Award by Holes in my socks, who I would like to thank. You should go check out their awesome blog Holes in my socks .

Premio Dardos is Spanish for ‘Prize Darts’ and is an award in recognition of cultural, ethical, literary and personal values that are transmitted in the form of original and creative writing.


  1. When you accept the award, post it on your blog along with the name of the person who nominated you and put a link to their blog.
  2. Include the image of the award on your blog.
  3. Write 7 facts about yourself.
  4. Pass it on to 15 other bloggers, linking to their blogs and let them know.

7 Facts About Me:

  1. I play netball four times a week, plus train once and umpire at least two games.
  2. I prefer push ups to sit ups.
  3. I don’t like wearing scarves.
  4. I have over 400 books in my bedroom.
  5. I collect stamps.
  6. I don’t like coffee.
  7. I worry too much.

The People I Am Nominating:

  1. Pratik Akkawar
  2. laus blogger
  3. Send Sunshine
  4. Daily inspiration blog
  5. Encouraging Life
  6. Mytwosentences
  7. Eastcoastcurls
  8. I am not Leah
  9. Sabiscuit’s Catalogue
  10. Irwineyes
  11. A Momma’s View
  12. K. E. Wilkinson
  13. Stockresearch52’s Blog
  14. Ann Johnson-Murphree
  15. My College Odyssey

The Real Neat Blog Award

Thank you so much Asil Andrei Acasio their blog is great you should go visit it.

So now I present to you the copy-pasted rules:

1) Put the award logo on your blog.

2) Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

3) Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.

4) Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.

5) Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

My Answers:

1. What would you pick, the ability to see the future or past?

The future.

2. What was your most embarrassing moment?

Being walked in on (so to speak) peeing behind a bush. In my defence it was on camp and there were no toilets.

3. Which would you prefer, food or WiFi?

Food because I can go indefinitely without WiFi and there is always plug in internet.

4. What did you answer on 3?


5. What movie/book character would you relate to?

Alanna from Alanna: the first adventure but only in some ways.

6. Do you believe in global warming?

Yes I believe in global warming and climate change. I also believe that human’s are responsible for it or at least increasing the rate of climate change and although it does happen naturally from time to time the current climate change has been primarily brought about by human activity from my understanding of it.

7. How many lies have you committed whether small or big?

I have told too many lies to count but most of them are small. I hope I have not told too many harmful lies though. I don’t know many people who keep a tally of the lies they tell but it would probably make us think a bit more before we lied it we did count them,

The real neat blogs I nominate:

The Happy Typewriter

A Momma’s View

Learning Web Development

Let it Come From the Heart


My questions:

1. If you had three wishes, what would you wish for excluding more wishes?

2. What is your biggest pet peeve and why?

3. Do you sleep walk or talk, if so do you have a funny story?

4. Have you ever got yourself super lost, if so what happened?

5. Do you read over your posts?

6. Would you rather spend a day, 1000 years in the past or in the future?

7. What is the aim of your blog or why do you blog?

Liebster Award

Thank you so much to JD for this nomination. Check out her blog at the happy typewriter . It’s got heaps of great posts about writing and reading.

So, the “Liebster Award is a chain award created by bloggers and passed on from one blogger to another to encourage connections. It is a wonderful, fun way to interact and make friends in the blogging community.”

These are the rules:

1. Thank and link the person who nominated you.
2. Answer the questions given by the nominator.
3. Nominate 11 other bloggers, who have less than 200 followers and link them.
4. Create 11 new questions for the nominees to answer.
5. Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.

JD’s questions:

1. What is your favourite book? Alanna: The First Adventure by Tamora Pierce

2. Who is your favourite book character? Alanna from the above book

3. Who is your favourite author? Tamora Pierce

4. Why do you blog? I blog because I want to be a writer and I needed something to motivate me to write every day. It is working by the way. I have written a post every day for three months and having been doing other writing as well.

5. What are your three biggest passions? Writing, netball and reading are what I am passionate about doing.

6. What is your biggest dream? To write and publish a novel.

7. What is your biggest fear? Is not knowing what is happening next in my life is what scares me the most.

8. When do you feel most inspired? Just after I turn off the light to go to sleep

9. Where is your favourite place in the world? Home is my favourite place in the world.

10. What is your ideal way to spend a day? My ideal way to spend a day is at home reading and writing while it rains outside, and playing netball that night.

11. What is your message to the world? I don’t really have one but I do like the saying ‘treat others as you would like to be treated’. I think if everyone was a little nicer to each other the world would be a better place.

My nominations:

My questions:

1. What inspired you to start blogging?

2. What is something you dream of achieving?

3. Do you have any phobia’s if so what are they?

4. Do you prefer reading or watching TV?

5. Which super power would you rather have, flight or invisibility?

6. What is something people don’t understand about you?

7. Do you keep a diary or journal, if so what would you do/ how would you feel if someone read it?

8. Is your bedroom usually neat or messy?

9. How many countries have you visited (no matter how briefly) other than the one you live in?

10. What small things make you really excited, name at least three?

11. Do you have a favourite saying, if so what is it?