Monthly Archives: June 2020

Flash Fiction: Border Crossing

Flash fiction partly inspired by Image Writing Prompt #289.

The Dark Netizen

Sivak was tense. However, he knew he could not let it show in his body language. Everything depended on it.

Sivak joined the line of cars waiting to clear the security check. The border crossing was one of the most tightly guarded areas. Sivak knew getting through the check post was not going to be easy. However, if he got through here, Sivak knew he was a free bird. The line of vehicles which had nothing to declare was much longer than the other line. Sivak would play it cool. He knew that the guards only stopped and searched people who looked suspicious and Sivak had taken great efforts to look plain. He had got rid of his immaculate beard, cut his hair and had combed them back. The addition of glasses gave his face a plain look. He had chosen to wear a loose shirt, that would hide…

View original post 334 more words

Short Story for Fandango’s Friday Flashback: A Discovery in the Snow, Part III

The third installment in a series of short fiction partly inspired by Image Writing Prompt #239. Here is part one.


For Fandango’s Friday Flashback, I’m sharing this bit of story that I originally posted on September 14, 2018. Somehow I didn’t have any posts from February 14 even though I’ve been blogging for two years.

I realize it’s been over a month since I last posted, but I hope to post more frequently beginning today. For starters, here’s the next installment of my multiple-part story “A Discovery in the Snow.” Part of the idea for this story comes from this prompt. You can read the previous installments here and here.


The bird-boy had taken up residence in Cassandra’s room. Wrapped in an old blanket and nestled in front of the fireplace, he lay in an uneasy sleep. As the afternoon wore on, he curled more tightly into himself, until only the tip of his feathered head peeked above his wing. Henri had been banned from entering…

View original post 1,018 more words


Stuck in a hole too scared to climb out

Uncertainty is scarier than the current pain

It’s familiar and in its own way comforting

And that one thought that returns

To reassure there is a another way out

It’s inevitable anyway why not surrender

The constant battle inside spilling out

Hurting everyone especially you

Not even the physical lashing out

The cruel things you tell yourself

You’re still not listening to the hurt

The wailing voice in your guts

The sounds that make everything churn

She doesn’t want to hurt you

She’s scared and maybe even angry

She’s impulsive and still acting out

You’ve been told so many time

Don’t reward it, ignore, ignore

It’s just attention seeking

Connection seeking sounds nicer

A more attractive frame

Choked with words that shouldn’t be said

Pressure has to be released somehow

It doesn’t have to feel so unsafe