Monthly Archives: October 2016

I saw a ghost


I saw a ghost while driving

I was on my way to work

When I saw it and it saw me

As it drifted slowly by

I saw a ghost while walking

I was taking my dog with me

It saw us, my dog was indifferent

As he was busy decorating a tree

I saw a ghost while waiting

For the arrival of the train

I looked at it and it at me

It vanished with the first drop of rain

I saw a ghost while reading

I was sitting up in a tree

It drifted down behind me

To read my book with me

Illusion (Story Fragment)

The pattern on the floor tiles made me dizzy. The floor looked as if it was made of dips and mounds instead of being perfectly flat. I tried not to look at it, since every time I did it made me stumble. It was difficult not to look when everything was reflected in the mirrored walls. I looked around for the door but it was reflected everywhere. Finally I spotted it and made a dash for it and tripped on a real dip in the floor. I cursed the illusionist architect who created the room and their infuriating sense of humour.

Adorable Arachnid (Story Fragment)


‘Really you find the great big creepy spider cute?’ I asked.

‘Yeah isn’t she adorable,’ said Jodi.

‘No,’ I shuddered.

She picked it up. It ran up her arm and down the front of her shirt. She picked it up in her hands and held it out to me.

‘Want to hold her?’ she asked.

‘No thanks,’ I said.

‘She’s harmless,’ she said.

‘Yeah well I still don’t want to hold her,’ I said.

‘Ow,’ she exclaimed, ‘she nipped me.’

‘Totally harmless,’ I laughed.

‘Shut up,’ she said putting her spider back in her tank, ‘she’s not poisonous to humans, I’m fine.’

Snow (Story Fragment)


I followed the footprints in the snow. I didn’t have any other option. I was a city girl lost in the forest and my last memory was of a bag being pulled over my head.

The footprints stopped at the stairs leading up to the log cabin. My hand shook as I knocked on the door. An old woman opened it.

‘Please I need help,’ I said though chattering teeth.

‘I was wondering if you’d turn up,’ she smiled, ‘they said you fell out of the truck, they’ve been searching for hours.’

I turned to run but she was faster and stronger, grabbing my arm and pulling me inside.

Trust (Story Fragment)

img_3487When you tell someone you have a dragon and they tell everyone. Everyone thinks you’re crazy.

Walking into school I could feel everyone staring. My dragon coiled its tail around my neck so tight I could barely breathe. I knew no one else could see it.

At lunch I sat alone under a tree. Rob sat down beside me. I glanced over at him. He twitched and rubbed his ear.

‘I can’t see your dragon but I believe you when you say it’s there,’ he said, ‘I have a goblin, it drives me crazy.’

We smiled at each other and my dragon licked my nose.

The Lovers (a story fragment). by Christine Lucas

Christine Lucas wrote a very intriguing expanstion of my story fragment the lovers you should check out her blog here Christine Lucas.

Christine Lucas

the-lovers-art-nouveau-tarotThe wind ruffled his hair. She liked how it sent his fringe tumbling over his eyes. This would be the last time she saw him looking like this, strong, handsome, his skin glowing with the last rays of a dramatic sunset. As if sensing her gaze he turned to face her. Sadness tinged his eyes. ‘Are you having doubts?’

‘No,’ she shook her head. ‘Though it is a long way down and the river fast flowing.’

‘It is, but we are together. That’s all that matters.’ He reached for her hand. Their shoulders touched as they sat on the railing of a bridge. They looked down at the raging river below them. The breeze smelled sweetly of honeysuckle. ‘Scared?’

‘A little,’ she tried to look nonchalant, swinging her bare legs over the gorge.

‘We don’t have to jump you know.’

‘But you’ll think I’m a coward.’

‘No I won’t,’ he…

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