Monthly Archives: September 2017

Emptiness (Response to Writing Prompt #308)

Well written response to capture his feeling.

Bedoor Bluemoon

Source: Writing Prompt #308


It was just an urge that he’d acted on, he’d punched the window and now he was standing in a pool of shards.  He was looking for any other feeling besides the feeling of emptiness that has consumed him for  years now.  This was not a good day for him; he had better days when he felt like he had some control over his life.  But today was different, today was just black.

He woke up this morning with emptiness around him.  The feeling of grief consuming him even though he didn’t lose any loved one.  The pit of his stomach seemed so heavy, his heart felt burdened, and his breathing stressed.  All these feelings even though he had a good night sleep.  He felt afraid, no, he felt very afraid to get out of bed.  He felt the ground was filled with demons, red hot…

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The Lost Boy (response to Writing Prompt #304)

This is such a lovely story in response to my prompt, I’m glad you gave it a happy ending.

Bedoor Bluemoon

(writing prompt #304.

Source: Writing Prompt #304

He watched through the window as his mother tucked his half-sister in bed and kiss his step father goodnight, then he turned and vanished into the night. It was a daily ritual for Tom since he ran away from his father’s house six months ago. His father was an alcoholic who, in his opinion, probably didn’t even realize he wasn’t around. He was living bad days and worse nights when his father would come back from the bar and wake Tom up from his sleep just to start beating him. One night, Tom decided it was enough, he was going to go live with his mother instead.

His mother always wanted him in her life. She never gave him up, on the contrary she fought hard to gain custody of Tom but it was all because Tom’s dad knew how to best beat…

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“Burning The Evidence” (Image Writing Prompt #27 — Dragonition) (Response)

This is such a great response, a very amusing read.

Scott Blackstone

“We should burn the evidence” Eretemis offered, hanging the offending object over the fire to emphasize his point.  Perfectly serious, he tried to seek out an answer in Valen’s face, the question in his eyes rather than his words.

“The evidence?” Valen snorted, rolling his eyes and swiftly freeing the whiskey bottle from Eerie’s grasp. “You can burn as many bottle as you want, and the evidence will still be inescapable.”  Though his slur wasn’t nearly a match for his friend’s, Valen’s voice carried all the signs of a man well into his cups. He blamed 18+ years of being sober for that.

“I’ll have you know, I’m not at all drunk.” Eerie’s attempt at enunciation came across as a drunk father trying to teach his son to read, only cementing Valen’s opinion. He didn’t seem to realize this, however, and tipped a new bottle back to his lips, frowning…

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The Bridge (response to Writing Prompt #240)

Here is the link. Yes it was ironic and perhaps a fitting end.

Bedoor Bluemoon

Writing prompt 240

He sat on the rail of the bridge watching the people cross, waiting for his next victim.

He didn’t know that he was being watched, followed from the second he stepped out of his house. He didn’t realize that there is someone who wanted to prove his methods were not up to par, not meticulous enough. He didn’t know that during his last attack, the single slip up was the reason he was now hunted.

Once a hunter, now hunted.

Hunted because he let the girl scratch his face and the police found the evidence of his DNA underneath her fingernails.

And now, he was no longer part of  the group. No longer welcomed.

Watching, he was being watched. Planning, his death was being planned, schemed.
The next day, newspapers read “the Bridge Serial Killer was Found Dead Beneath the Bridge.”
How ironic.

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