Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Lovers (story fragment)

They sat holding hands on the rail of the bridge bare legs swinging.

‘Should we jump?’

‘I don’t know it’s a long way down.’

‘Other people have done it.’

‘I’m scared.’

‘We don’t have to.’

‘Will you think I’m a coward?’

‘No just the sensible person I fell in love with.’

‘I love you.’

‘I love you too.’

‘Let’s do it.’

‘Are you sure?’

‘Yes I trust you.’

Together they slide down so their feet were on the bridge and their arms still on the railing. Then still holding hands they jump into misty air and fell towards the river.

This is a fictional short story fragment.

Sometime I Wonder… (story fragment)

img_8141Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be a bird. To fly everywhere and see the world from above. People think birds a free but really they are just confined by different boundaries than we are. We are confined by these fences and the guards with guns but even before we were here we weren’t free. That’s what we were trying to fight for but now I see freedom is all relative. You can only be free if you think you are. Maybe that’s what people are talking about then they say the birds a free. The birds just don’t know where their freedom ends yet.

This is a fictional short story fragment.