Unnecessary Sabotage (Short Story)

img_3526There was a knock at my door.

‘Coming Darling,’ I called.

I opened the door to find two police men standing dripping on my doorstep.

‘Mrs Hess?’ the older one asked.

‘Yes, I was expecting my husband,’ I said, ‘what is this about?’

‘May we come in?’ asked the older of the two.

‘Yes would you like a drink,’ I said politely, ‘what is this about?’

‘I think you should sit down,’ said the younger.

I sat down.

‘We are sorry to inform you that your husband is dead, his car ran off the cliff,’ said the older.

‘No your wrong he can’t have,’ I said.

‘Is this your husband?’ asked the older showing me his driver’s licence in an evidence bag.

‘Yes,’ I said starting to cry.

They stood awkwardly watching me.

‘I shouldn’t have made him go out in this weather,’ I said, ‘I shouldn’t have asked him to get me soup.’

‘It wasn’t your fault,’ said the older one.

I knew it was but I wasn’t going to tell anyone what I’d done.

‘Do you know how it happened,’ I sniffed and grabbed a tissue.

‘A truck swung onto the wrong side of the road and he swerved off the road to avoid it,’ he said.

‘I shouldn’t have asked for the soup,’ I started crying again.

What I really shouldn’t have done, what I hadn’t needed to do was sabotage the brakes, the ironic thing was he would have died tonight anyway in this random accident. The younger policeman patted my hand sympathetically while the older went to make us some tea.

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